The Master Plan

The Master Plan
Suur Plaan

Director Juris Pakalniņš
Year 2016
Country Estonia
Length 54 minutes
Language Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Russian with English subtitles


After the war with Georgia in 2008, Russia began building a model for a hybrid war where military actions congeal in people’s hearts and minds. No need here for an army of foot soldiers. The state funds a network of NGOs for Russian foreign policy interests abroad and often as a perfect cover for close ties to local politicians. A same group of people operate across borders with an arsenal of instruments, taking on different identities and representing NGOs or acting as political scientists, economy experts or independent election observers.

This documentary investigates Russia’s strategic use of infowar methods both at home and abroad exposing Kremlin’s propaganda machine as it spans in full motion in several European locations. The Russian key to succeed in this war is to work systematically on all critical areas, restrict independent media and expand state owned media, divide public opinion in the West, cultivate nostalgia in Russian communities abroad and construct a credible enemy outside mother Russia.

How is this info war being fought in reality? What, if anything, are the EU and NATO doing about it? Are Russia’s policies succeeding? Russia’s ideological and tactical machinery is exposed through archival footage and new discoveries about Russia’s cross-border info-war.


Dokfilm Suur plaan uurib meetodeid, millega Venemaa mõjutab Balti riikide sisepoliitikat, lõhestades kohalikku elanikkonda, õhutades nostalgiat Nõukogude Liidu järele ning naeruvääristades Baltikumi taas kätte võidetud iseseisvust. Toimuvaid sündmusi kommenteerivad tunnustatud eksperdid – Anne Appelbaum, Lev Gudkov, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Julian Lindley-French, Artemi Troitski, Edward Lucas jpt. Film valmis Balti riikide ajakirjanike ning filmistuudiote Mistrus Media (Läti), Monoklis (Leedu) ja Allfilm (Eesti) koostööna.


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