EstDocs is an annual event hosted by Estonians living in Canada, presenting a juried competition of documentary films. This is accompanied by a lively and enjoyable short film competition where anyone can take part. At times, when we discover interesting directors or themes, we also offer feature long-form movies.
So far, we have showcased documentaries and films, and shorts produced by both professionals and our enthusiastic amateur audiences. Through this universal medium of film, we intend to entertain, challenge and provoke by introducing a new Estonian generation's approach to cinema.
Estonia is a land where stories and dreams and many forms of art, including music, song and film, take flight as they capture the spirit of our very ancient yet surprisingly modern culture. Since regaining its independence after the Soviet Occupation, year by year, Estonian films are becoming more widely recognized around the world thanks to our excellent calibre of filmmakers and events such as EstDocs, the Estonian Documentary Film Festival.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
President of the Republic of Estonia, 2008-2016
We started in 2005. Drawing on filmmakers of Estonian descent from all over the world, and non-Estonians who make films about Estonia or Estonians, the documentary film festival always proves to be an opportunity to share in a little Estonian culture right here in Canada. We are proud to regularly feature top documentary filmmaking talent from around the world.
The EstDocs mission is to provide a 360° perspective on Estonian history, politics, arts, culture, and social aspects.
Management Team
EstDocs is organized and run by a team of dedicated volunteers.
Maimu Mölder | Festival Director |
Lembitu Ristsoo | Finance Director |
Viive Tork-Hiis | Operations Director |
Kristi Sau Doughty | Festival Consultant |
Kalli Paakspuu | Program Director |
Liis Truuvert | Ad Sales |
Maret Jaks | Communications |
Bonnie Andrukaitis | Programming |
Johanna Helin | Programming |
Kaisa Pitsi | Programming |
Tristan Priimägi | Programming |
Keltie Thomas | Programming, Short Film Competition |
Rein Ende | Technical |
Jaak Järve | Graphic Design, Jury Consultant |
Reet Mae | Jury Consultant |
Mihkel Ranniste | Marketing |
Shashank Tripathi | Design, Digital |
Natalie Wainewright | Communications, Graphic Design |
Yvonne Milinsky | Graphic Design, Cover Art |
Our thanks go to all the many volunteers for their contributions in making EstDocs an annual cinematic experience for audiences... and to our generous sponsors and funders, as Estonians say: “respekt!”