Funeral Diaries

Funeral Diaries

Films icon  Jul 01, 2019 — 3:30 pm
@Esto2019, Tartu and Tallinn, Estonia

Director Marko Raat
Year 2019
Country Estonia
Length 93 minutes
Producer Ivo Felt
Language Estonian with English subtitles


Three ministers have been invited from Estonia to serve the exile congregations in Toronto. By now, the main job of Jüri, Kalle and Mart is to bury the generation that fled Estonia in 1944. The documentary uses burials to talk about the disappearance of traditional funeral services and the profession of clergyman. The everyday life of the three protagonists tells a bigger story of church, faith and a fading émigré identity. The main characters have a modern and bright outlook on life and while practicing a past profession try to adopt to the ever-changing world where everything old and familiar slips through the fingers like handful of dust.


Vanad tahavad, et neid maetaks emakeeles ning selleks on kutsutud kodumaalt Torontosse, kus on suurim eestlaste kogukond eksiilis, kolm vaimulikku. – Endine insener Jüri Puusaag, eks-näitleja Kalle Kadakas ja kolmandat põlve vaimulik Mart Salumäe. Iga matus peegeldab võõrasse keskkonda sattunud hingekarjastele nende endi probleeme: keerulised suhted oma lähedaste ja kogudustega, identiteedi kahestumine võõrsil elades, usu marginaliseerumine, kohanematus inglise keelses suurlinnas, surm kui ebamugav tabuteema kaasaegses “igavese nooruse” ühiskonnas.


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