Director | Ants Tammik |
Year | 2016 |
Country | Estonia |
Length | 38 minutes |
Language | Estonian with English subtitles |
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The film depicts two different worlds – man-made and natural – opposites both in terms of content and form. One of the most striking features of Estonian nature is its bog landscapes. Bogs act as a kind of filter by absorbing exhaust gas and cleaning the air for people to breathe. Bogs are also good at safeguarding groundwater. Still, it is not all blue skies ahead for these natural landscapes. The film depicts two different worlds, opposites both in terms of content and form. Products of evolution, the irregular natural landscapes and their inhabitants stand in opposition to manmade regularity.
Eesti looduse üks erilisemaid tunnusjooni on soomaastik. Sooalad on justkui filtrid, mis imavad endasse heitgaase ja puhastavad inimestele hingamiseks tarvilikku õhku. Sood on ka head põhjavee hoidjad. Ometi ei ole nende loodusmaastike tulevik sugugi pilvitu. Film toob vaatajani kaks eri maailma, mis nii sisult kui vormilt on vastandid. Evolutsiooni käigus kujunenud korrapäratud loodusmaastikud koos seal toimetavate elusolenditega vastanduvad inimeste loodud korrapäraga, perfektselt sirgete kaevandamisväljadega.