Eia’s Christmas at Phantom Owl Farm

Eia’s Christmas at Phantom Owl Farm
Eia jõulud Tondikakul

Films icon  Jun 28, 2019 — 7:45 pm
@Esto2019, Tartu and Tallinn, Estonia

Director Anu Aun
Year 2018
Country Estonia
Length 90 minutes
Producer Maire Rosmann-Lill, Maario Masing
Website www.imdb.com
Language Estonian with English subtitles


Eia's Christmas at Phantom Owl Farm" is about a 10-year-old girl Eia who, due to many coincidences, has to spend her Christmas break at a Southern-Estonian farm called Phantom Owl Farm. Little Eia has no idea that she would be the one to save the forest behind the farm from being cut down by a greedy forest manager, Raivo. Eia's arrival helps two young people find love and helps Eia find out her family's biggest secret.


Kogupere seiklusfilm räägib 10-aastasest Eiast, kelle plaanid võtavad ootamatu pöörde, kui linnatüdruk viiakse talvevaheajaks salapärasesse Lõuna-Eesti tallu. Tüdruk ei oska esialgu aimatagi, et õige pea asub ta päästma hukule määratud põlismetsa, viima kokku kaht armastavat inimest ning lahti harutama oma pere kiivalt hoitud saladust.


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