The Wind Sculpted Land

The Wind Sculpted Land
Tuulte Tahutud Maa

Director Joosep Matjus
Year 2018
Country Estonia
Length 65 minutes
Language Estonian with English subtitles


With no people or dialogue to speak of on screen, this film transports audiences deep into the heart of Estonia’s wilderness with its simple but rare sights and sounds of nature. Prepare to immerse yourself where the moose, snakes, and wolves roam, to catch your breath in the beauty and violence where the wildlife rules, and to emerge with a new perspective.

The film was made during 2015-2018, it took more than 400 days out on the field filming birds, animals and different landscapes. Filming took place in different parts of Estonia, mainly in natural parks. The Wind Sculpted Land is truly a magical journey to Estonia´s unique and scenic nature. The film is part of a film programme dedicated to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.


Eepiline filmilugu Eestimaa metsikust loodusest, kus vaataja ees rulluvad lahti meie kodumaa eriilmelised maastikud koos metsloomade ja tuhandete läbirändavate linnuparvedega. Filmi peategelane on meie metsade suurim imetaja ja põliselanik põder. Läbi looduse avanevad meie mineviku püüdlused ja vajadused ning meie iseloom, mida maastikud on tuhandete aastate jooksul hoidnud ja kinnitanud.


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