Director | Audrius Stonys, Kristine Briede |
Year | 2018 |
Country | Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia |
Length | 78 minutes |
Producer | VFS Films (Latvia), Studio Nominum (Lithuania), Vesilind (Estonia) |
Website | / IMDB |
Language | Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Hebrew, Russian |
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At the beginning of the 1960s, when the French pioneers of cinéma vérité set out to achieve a new realism, and when direct cinema in Québec began to vie for notice, the Baltics witnessed the birth of a generation of documentarists who favored a more romantic view of the world around them. This meditative documentary essay – from a Latvian writer and Lithuanian director whose composed touch has long dovetailed with the stylistically diverse works of the Baltic New Wave – pushes adroitly past the limits of the common historiographic investigation to create a portrait of less-clearly remembered filmmakers. The result is a consummate poetic treatment of the ontology of documentary creation. Or a cinematic poem about cinema poets.
Meditatiivne dokumentaalessee portreteerib Balti uue laine dokumentalistide põlvkon-da. Režissöörid Audrius Stonys ja Kristīstine Briede on saavutanud hämmastavalt ajas- tutruuatmosfääri, mis edastab samasugust sooja inimlikku ja lüürilist tunnetust nagu filmi kangelaste teosed möödunud sajandi 60nda- tel ja 70ndatel. Eesti autoritest on filmis esin- datud Andres Sööt ja Mark Soosaar.