The Journey To The Maggot Feeder

The Journey To The Maggot Feeder
Teekond Ussinuumajani

Director Liivo Niglas, Priit Tender
Year 2015
Country Estonia
Length 68 minutes
Language Estonian with English subtitles


The documentary embarks on a journey to the Arctic and some of the darkest alleys of the matriarchal world of the aboriginal Chukchi. An ancient Chukchi folk tale, The Maggot Feeder, was the inspiration for animator Priit Tender who pairs up with filmmaker Liivo Niglas to solve the tale’s bizarre mystery and why it is misunderstood by some Western audiences. Priit goes to Chukotka to reveal the deeper layers of the folk story in this anthropological road movie that features Chukchi and European scholars and the behind the scenes creation of the animation,The Maggot Feeder.


Omamoodi road-movie dokumentaalfilmi minategelaseks on Eesti animafilmitegija Priit Tender, kellel on käsil tšuktši muinasjutu Ussinuumaja ainetel joonisfilmi tegemine. Priitu intrigeerib miski muinasjutu sürreaalses sisus, kuid mis? Ootamatult rullub vaataja ees lahti pikk rännak mööda maailma eri paiku, otsides Ussinuumaja sisule tähendust ja allteksti ning jõudes lõpuks müstilise loo sünnimaale. Film aitab meil aru saada muinasjuttude osast meie tavaelus ning kutsub uurima meie endi siseelu.


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