Director | Vahur Laiapea |
Year | 2019 |
Country | Estonia |
Length | 28 minutes |
Producer | Vahur Laiapea |
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The Soviet Forces invaded Afghanistan in 1979. 1.5 million Afghans lost their lives in the war. 417 Soviet soldiers were imprisoned or remained missing in action. The majority of them were killed. The lives of some soldiers were spared under the condition that they converted to Islam. No one knows exactly how many former Soviet soldiers there are still alive in Afghanistan. Bahretdin Hakimov is a former Soviet soldier, former mujahid and former Talib. His disappearance is dated September 7, 1980. He was missing for over thirty years, he was presumed dead until 2013. After long years spent fighting, he was allowed to take a job as a guide at the Jihad Museum in Herat.
Invasiooni ajal Afganistani langes vangi või jäi teadmata kadunuks nelisada seitseteist nõukogude sõdurit. Keegi ei tea täpselt, mitu neist elab praegu veel Afganistanis.
Bahretdin Hakimov oli teadmata kadunud üle kolmekümne aasta.
Laiapea filmis teda 2016.a. sügisel Heratis. Kas ta filmis venelast või afgaani, tapjat või ohvrit, reeturit või reedetut, vaba meest või vangi? Võib-olla neid kõiki ja midagi veel.