A Man from a Fairy Tale

A Man from a Fairy Tale
Mees muinasjutust

Films icon  Nov 09, 2019 — 3:00 pm
15th Annual Film Festival 2019, Toronto

Director Ruti Murusalu
Year 2019
Country Estonia
Length 59 minutes
Producer Erik Norkroos


The documentary about Toomas Edur tells us an intimate story about the most outstanding Estonian ballet artist, his searches, changes in his life and adapting to those changes. Choreography and dancing partners may change but the simplicity, passion and belief in fairytales still remain...

On the half-way of his worldly journey, Toomas Edur looks back to his significant dancing career. High jumps on the world stages made him great also in the eyes of his own people, although the most remarkable footage of his performances have only recently been shown to his home audience. Where to go on and with whom, when it is time to leave the stage? Where is the home where a fairytale man to return after searching for fortune in the wide world?


Dokumentaalfilm Toomas Edurist jutustab ül- dinimliku loo ühe eesti väljapaistvaima tantsija otsingutest, elumuutustest ja nendega kohane- misest. Muutuvad koreograafia ja tantsupartnerid, jäävad lihtsus, kirg ja usk muinasjuttudesse.

Maise matka poolel teel vaatab Toomas Edur tagasi oma väljapaistvale tantsijakarjäärile. Kõrged hüpped maailmalavadel tegid ta suureks ka oma rahva silmis, kuigi haaravaimad tantsukaadrid jõuavad kodupubliku ette alles nüüd. Kuhu ja kelle- ga edasi minna, kui tuleb aeg lavalt maha astuda? Kus on kodu, kuhu naaseb muinasjutumees, kes laias ilmas õnne otsis.


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