Ten, Ninety. Boy Like an Orchestra

Ten, Ninety. Boy Like an Orchestra
Kümme, Üheksakümmend. Poiss Nagu Orkester

Director Martti Helde
Year 2017
Country Estonia
Length 28 minutes
Language Estonian with English subtitles


When seen through the eyes of Kert, classical music has a hue that’s bright, shiny, and new. The 10-year-old boy’s dream job is to join the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO). And he’s already fast at work turning that dream into reality. Not only does he play the piano, but he also plays the flute.

The filmmakers follow the budding concert musician as he calls up Klassikaraadio, goes to an ERSO concert, visits jazz singer and composer Kadri Voorand, attends school in Raplamaa, makes electronic gadgets, and plays with friends. Along the way, they splice in interviews with noted ERSO musicians talking about their humble beginnings and Kert talking about his musical aspirations.


Kert on 10-aastane Raplamaa poiss, kelle silmad paneb särama klassikaline muusika. Tema päevad on täidetud kooli, esinemiste ja huviga elektroonika vastu. Oma tulevikuametile lähemale jõudmiseks harjutab Kert aga juba kolm aastat regulaarselt flöödimängu ja väisab oma unistuste töökoha, ERSO, proove. Kert on poiss nagu orkester.


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