Gulag 113

Gulag 113

Films icon  Jul 01, 2019 — 1:15 pm
@Esto2019, Tartu and Tallinn, Estonia

Director Marcus Kolga
Year 2005
Country Canada
Length 47 minutes
Producer Marcus Kolga
Language Estonian


In the summer of 1941, thousands of Estonian men were illegally mobilized into the Soviet Red Army by threat of force and violence against them and their families. In the smallest towns and larger cities, they were hastily rounded up by Soviet terror battalions and the NKVD as the Red Army prepared to retreat from the advancing German army and were sent to remote Gulag slave labour camps in the far corners of the Soviet Union.

Seventy-five years ago, during the winter of 1941-42, nearly 1/3 of them died from starvation, illness and neglect. They were worked to death in subhuman, slave labour conditions.

Gulag 113 documents the story of one survivor. His story is not unique, but it is representative of the many thousands and even millions of Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and others, who shared similar, terrifying, experiences.

As Kremlin propagandists scurry to recast the role of Soviet terror in 20th century history, this history cannot be allowed to become another victim of Putin’s revisionism and spin.


Dokumentaalfilm “GULAG 113” jälgib 89-aastase Kanada eestlase Eduard Kolga eluteed. Eduardil õnnestus pääseda nõukogude GULAG-ist. Film jutustab väga liigutava loo Eduard Kolga reisist Kanadast paikadesse sügaval Venemaal, kus talle ja miljonitele teistele idaeurooplastele said osaks kohutavad läbielamused 70 aastat tagasi.

Filmi kannavad Kolga muljed oma kunagiste laagripaikade külastamisest ja meenutused olnust - rängast orjatööst ja näljast Punaarmee võimu all. Need meenutused on vägagi tuttavad paljudele baltlastele, poolakatele, ukrainlastele, soomlastele ja teistele kes pidid taluma samu kannatusi Nõukogude vangilaagrites II Maailmasõja päevil.

Eestist mobiliseeritute elu ja surma kommenteerivad Irina Dubrovina, Tatjana Melnik ja Vjatšeslav Tšikin.


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