Wolf’s Hour Undi Tund

Wolf’s Hour Undi Tund
Undi Tund

Director Maria Avdjushko
Year 2015
Country Estonia
Length 54 minutes
Language Estonian with English subtitles


One of the most extraordinary personas in Estonian cultural history is undoubtedly the writer, director, publicist, lecturer and public figure Mati Unt. The documentary Wolf’s Hour takes us to the Estonian ‘60s generation and their innovative and creative literary world and theatre. The film depicts Mati Unt as a charismatic persona, a phenomenal thinker and anarchist who used cinema to reinvent old forms. The salon of Mati’s best friend Vaino Vahing in Tartu brought together writers, scientists, and theatre pioneers; and the literary salon at Vilde tee in Tallinn was the home of Mati Unt and Kersti Kreismann at the beginning of Mati’s career as a director in the Youth Theatre in Tallinn. The film includes never before seen footage of Mati in his creative process.


Üks kõige erakordsemaid nähtusi eesti kultuuriloos on kahtlemata kirjanik, lavastaja, publitsist, õppejõud ja seltskonnategelane Mati Unt. Dokumentaalfilm viib meid tagasi 60ndate ereda põlvkonna juurde, mil tekkisid uuenduslikud ideed nii kirjanduse- kui ka teatrimaailmas. Film avab kinolike vahenditega Mati Unti kui karismaatilist isiksust, fenomenaalset mõtlejat ja anarhistlikku vormiuuendajat, sisaldades temast seninägematuid kaadreid loomeprotsessis ning sõprade keskel.


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